- Dice Betting Game (2018-11-26)
Objective: A Dice betting game that prompts user for input and in respond to the correct input it
will determine if the player has won or lost.
Tools:  Eclipse Skills learnt:
- Developing interactive command line interface (CLI) applications
- Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- Bank Simulator (2019-04-18)
Objective: A simple banking GUI application that can be used by bank employees to perform daily banking activities such as adding an account,
updating an account, displaying all account details, and reading or writing details of all accounts to or from a file.
Tools:  EclipseSkills learnt:
- Planning and designing an application that consists of multiple classes.
- Applying key concepts of Object-Oriented Programming such as data encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
- Hands on experience on building GUI applications using model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern
- Designing UML class diagrams and sequences as per user-requirements
- Parsing and storing data structures to file using java libraries
- Familiarizing with common data structure such as ArrayList in sorting large amount of data
- Inventory System(2019-11-03)
Objective: A basic shopping cart application for a produce shop which can be used for adding items to inventory, displaying current items in inventory,
buying new items for inventory, selling items from inventory, searching items from inventory using associated itemcode, removing expired items from inventory, and printing the summary
of all the expired items in inventory. Items are added and deleted dynamically from the inventory system.
Tools:  EclipseSkills learnt:
- Familiarizing with advanced data structure classes in the java collections package such as List, Queue, Stack, Tree and using such classes in maintaining
large volume of data
- Developing interactive command line interface (CLI) applications
- Object-Oriented Programming Concepts
- GUI based Calculator Application (2020-03-06)
Objective: A GUI calculator application that can perform mathematical operations on integers, floats, and hexadecimal numbers. The application was designed following
model-view-controller (MVC) design pattern.
Tools:  EclipseSkills learnt:
- Hands-on experience on how to build graphical user interfaces with java
- Familiarity with java Swing API
- Planning and developing an application following MVC design pattern